In 1980, Jim had traveled across the United States trying to fill a void in his life. Going from state to state, he found no answer in career, drugs, or alcohol. He was asked to go to a wedding in a small Pentecostal church in Flagstaff, AZ and that day changed his life forever. Jim yielded his life to God and got set free from all the wondering and wandering he had experienced for years. Through the Blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, a new life filled with a purpose was before him …
Rosie was going to Northern Arizona University and with a hunger in her life; she heard the gospel and found out that Christianity was more than religion. She accepted Christ and found a new life and freedom that the years in religion never gave. Jim and Rosie started dating and got married in 1982 starting a life together that is still vibrant with love for each other and Jesus Christ.
Jim answered the call and started preaching in 1984. He shared the Gospel whenever he could in the southwest and on the Navaho Reservation with a heart for the lost. In 1986 the journey began as Jim and Rosie with their children moved from AZ to New Hampshire to pastor their first church. Pastors Jim and Rosie have committed their lives to church building and sharing the love of God with the lost and hurting.
They felt the Holy Spirit’s leading and went to Spirit Life Bible College in Irvine CA. They both graduated in 1996 and remain faithful to that call with a passion for souls.
Today, they still have the vision burning their hearts to share Jesus, and heal those they come in contact with, preaching the Word of God in the power of the Holy Ghost w/ signs & wonders.
There is a cry in lives throughout the world, searching and looking for an answer. God is opening doors for Jim Guinn Ministries around the globe to go, equip believers to be carriers of revival, and challenging them to walk in their call, praying for healing and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and reach out to combat poverty by providing food and aid to those in need.
For three years, Jim served as the Admin- Director of In Christ International Bible College in San Diego, California.
He travels the nations, as a Missionary Evangelist, teaching pastors, preaching in Churches and Bible schools, watching the Power of God heal people, and set them free.